
The first thing I found on the Pinterest site that I made was a no-sew scarf. I’m not very craftsy, and so thought this would be an easy one!

I bought a used, faded,  men’s XXL tee at Goodwill to practice with. I got a big shirt, because I wanted a long scarf. The project, start to finish, took about 35 minutes. I didn’t have any fabric glue, and so where I connected the two lengths of each strand of the scarf, I just made a few simple stitches with a $1 sewing kit I bought at Dollar General. I like how it turned out! I like the faded, soft quality of the fabric, and the swirly ruffles. I’ve since bought two other tees, one in gray and one in chocolate brown, which I intend to use for this same pattern or another no-sew scarf. In addition to the original…

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